How To Get Rid Of Pimples Naturally

How To Get Rid Of Pimples Naturally

We all want to have clear skin. Nowadays, everyone else is willing to get beautiful clear skin. But there are some skin diseases like acne, and our face has to fight with it. And the acne also causes some more skin problems such as oily skin, scarring, blackheads, pimples, and many more. And the most common of them is pimples. And we will be discussing how to get rid of pimples naturally

Pimple is a little papule. Pimples occur when sebaceous or oil glands become clogged and also infected, it leads to swelling, and the red lesion filled with pus. They can occur at any age, but most of the time, they take place during puberty. Some of the foods also can cause pimples like sugar, dairy products, fast foods, and many more.

How To Get Rid Of Pimples Naturally

Many of us use different types of skincare products to remove pimples. But these skincare products don’t suit all types of skin. Usually, natural remedies are the best to cure pimple problems.

How to get rid of pimples:

Here I have focused mostly on the treatments that don’t require much money and pretty easy to do. So, you can have your pimple problems solved affordably with ease. Let’s get on with the following pimples treatment at home.

1. Suppressing:

The first step of this treatment is suppressing the pimple. You need to take one ice cube and cover it with your towel, or you can also use any piece of cloth. Then try to tap your pimple with that ice cube. Pimples are basically hot in nature if you have any pain from the pimple. By doing this, you can relieve your pain. Along with this, it is going to suppress that pimple.

2. DIY skincare:

DIY skincare for pimple

Here, I will give you three different recipes to reduce your pimples. You can make these easily with the ingredients you have in your home. For the first one, take two or three drops of lemon juice in a bowl and add half a teaspoon honey. Now mix it and apply on your face then leave it for twenty minutes. After twenty minutes, take a cotton ball and clean it.

For the second one, you need potato juice. For that, you need to grate a potato finely, then take the juice out of it and now add one c pinch of cinnamon powder. Then mix it well and apply in your face. Then leave it for twenty minutes. After twenty minutes, wipe it off with a cotton ball again.

For the third and the last one, you have grate papaya, then take out its juice and apply on your face. As usual, leave it for twenty minutes and wipe it off with a cotton ball. This is how to get rid of acne for good.

3. Neem face pack:

Neem is a natural essence. It is also known as Azedarach Indica. Neem leaf is a conventional medicine for many types of diseases. Such as liver problems, fever, heart diseases, loss of appetite, skin problems, diabetes, and many more. The required fatty acid is restrained by neem oil. Neem encourages wound to heal and make our skin nourished. It’s best for preventing pimples too. 

As the main ingredient is neem leaves, you need fresh neem leaves, or you can also use neem powder. Neem powder is available near your home. You also need Tulsi, which is holy basil. You can use holy basil powder too. It is also available. And the last ingredient you need is a pinch of turmeric powder. Turmeric powder is very useful for our skincare. It helps to whitening skin and makes it look healthy. Put all the ingredients in a mixer grinder, add a little bit of water, make a paste out of it, and apply it on your face. Keep that face pack in your whole face for at least thirty minutes. Then wash your face with water. It is a very budget-friendly face pack, and also it will make your skin look healthier than before. 

4. Tea tree oil:

The tree ‘Melaleuca alternifolia,’ the leaves of this tree is used to make tea tree oil.Tea tree oil can confront bacteria and helps to lower your skin inflammation. Tea tree oil is available online. You can purchase from online or buy it from stores near you. 

For pimples, take one teaspoon of carrier oil with one drop of tea tree oil. Take a cotton ball, dip into the mixture, and apply to your pimples right away. You can also apply a moisturizer if you want.  Per day you have to continue this procedure once or twice. 

5. Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera is the best solution to any type of skin disease. It helps to boost the blood flow of our skin. It also reduces all the bacteria, which are harmful to our skin. You can make a homemade beauty product with the use of aloe vera. 

Take a fresh aloe vera leaf, cut off the white part safely, and remove the sharp spikes. You need to be very careful while doing this; otherwise, you may cut your hand. Then take a knife and cut it right in the middle, create two halves. You can apply it directly to your face. Before using it clean, you face properly. Then rub it in your skin gently. If you don’t want to rub the leaf on your face, you can also take out its gel and apply it with your hands.

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treatment for pimple by Aloe Vera

So, this is how to get rid of pimples naturally without any artificial substances at all. With these solutions, you will surely get results in no time. Try any one of them to see the results. So, you don’t have to walk around, hiding your face anymore. You can flaunt your clean face and get all the appreciation you deserve. No need to be shy to get out of your home anymore. Hopefully, this will help you get over your fear of pimples and live life without these worries.


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