How To Cut Your Own Hair Men: Exactly What Should You Do?

How to cut your own hair men

Sometimes there comes an emergency situation when you can’t go to the salon to cut your hair. Being helpless, you have to cut your own hair all by yourself. 

It is very difficult to cut men’s hair. One mistake, and your whole style is ruined. This is why you must follow a guide to cut your hair perfectly like a salon.  

So, How to cut your own hair, men? To turn your home into a salon to cut your own hair, you need the right and easy tools. The most important thing that we all need while cutting our own hair is concentration. Clean your hair, then concentrate on the specific style and cut! Simple!

This article will guide you on this journey by answering all your questions and providing you with relevant important information. Let’s know in detail!

How To Cut Your Own Hair Men- Step By Step Process

How to cut your own hair men

Before cutting, prepare your hair for the perfect result by washing it with shampoo, drying, and combing. An oil-free, knot-free, slightly wet hair gives a flawless haircut. 

After shampoo, use a dryer to dry your hair a little bit. If you feel that using shampoo is too much trouble, then use a water spray to make your hair slightly wet. 

After that, untangle your hair by combing it properly. You should go in front of a mirror to cut your hair all by yourself without any mistakes.

After setting up everything, divide your hair into two sections by the haircut you chose. Then use a clipper or a trimmer for side cuts. Try to use stylish scissors to cut the top of your hair.   

When you are done cutting your hair, use paper to dump the hairs. Shampoo again to clean your head from the small hairs. Don’t use hair dryers to dry your hair unless necessary, as hair dryers can damage your hair.       

If you use gels to straighten your hair before cutting,  your haircut might get ruined. Hair gels don’t straighten your hair and rather make the scissors slippery. Also, dry hair creates problems in cutting hair too.

Which hair should I cut: wet or dry?

You should cut your hair when it’s slightly wet. Water straightens the hair and makes it easy to cut and style. But dripping water can cause complications while cutting. 

Dry hair often creates complications as it doesn’t stay in place. Cutting dry hair often ruins the haircut. That is why salon experts spray a little bit of water in the hair before cutting to make it slightly wet. 

However, if you are using a clipper to style your hair, then you should keep your hair dry. Because sometimes it gets hard to tell where the line ends in the wet hair. Again, dry hair is the only way when you want to blend your hair for the chosen haircut. 

As dry hair is meant for clippers, you can’t also use the trimmer in wet hair. Trimming requires the hair to be dry too. Otherwise, the whole haircut might get messed up if you use trimmers in wet hair. 

What can I use to cut men’s hair?

The basic tools that every kind of haircut needs are scissors, combs, clippers, and trimmers. You will need a hair spray too if you don’t like to use shampoo before cutting your hair. A spray will make sure the slight wetness of your hair. 

If you want your haircut to be more than normal, then you need to use different kinds of clippers, trimmers, and shears. 

For blending and finishing, you need adjustable shears and clippers. Trimmers and clippers with removable blades help to create the perfect lining. 

Scissors are optional for cutting men’s hair. We use scissors for long hairs. As men’s hair is usually small, they do not need scissors. But you can cut the top of the hair with small scissors.   

There are a lot of other pieces of equipment you can use if you want to give your hair a special look. Those are not necessary for usual haircuts. The typical hair cutting tools add an extra style to the haircut.  

Is cutting men’s hair difficult?

Yes, it is difficult. Cutting men’s hair is difficult because men’s hair is most often very small. So, a single mistake can ruin the whole haircut. Moreover, men’s hair takes time to grow longer. 

As men’s hair is very small, it takes time to style them. Every cut needs to be done very wisely and attentively. Small hair requires more attention and caution. 

Angles are very tough to discover in small hairs. There’s a lot of possibilities that you would mess up in discovering the right angles for your haircut unless you are an expert. This is why cutting men’s hair is so difficult.

How can I practice cutting men’s hair?

How to cut your own hair men

The first thing that you should try is to install a mannequin. Mannequins are very easy to find and purchase. These are perfect for your haircut practicing too. 

You can also try wigs to practice cutting hair on. Wigs are common in the market. So you can easily buy them and practice your cutting skills. 

Dolls are also a great alternative. Baby girl dolls have long hair, which you can try to practice cutting hair. But it might cause complications as the hairs used in a doll are not that sticky to the doll’s head.

Lastly, if you think you are capable enough, then try your stylish haircuts on people. But this one might get boring and risky as you can’t find customers regularly. Because, for a beginner, trying hairstyles on people would be very uneasy and problematic.

Wrapping up

Turning your home into a mini salon for yourself isn’t an easy thing. This might risk your hairstyle too. But when it comes to an emergency, nothing pops up in mind except cutting your hair by yourself. 

In this case, a perfect guide is all you need to save you from this critical situation. We have mentioned above all the things that you need to know in this regard just like an expert guide. 

This article will guide you to the exact flawless result that you desire to know How to cut your own hair men. In your emergency situation, nothing would help like this article to save you from the crisis. 

So, to be an expert in this matter, we are sure you have read this article properly. Good luck!


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