Ketogenic Diet Diabetes Type 1 | Ensure Your Healthy Diet Life

Ketogenic diet diabetes type 1

Do you love to do a ketogenic diet but worried about your diabetes type 1 disease?

For people with type 1 diabetes, a low-carb diet remains in the top rank. But being a protein lover, I wanted to start my diet with keto. That thing on top-notch makes me eager to learn about Ketogenic Diet Diabetes Type 1.

So today, I want to guide you with this article. Here, you’ll get absolute details for the keto diet, including its benefits, side effects, and the precautions you require for safety. Let’s have a look at them.

What is a Ketogenic Diet?

“Ketogenic” or keto diet is a low-carbon based diet. This diet prefers high-fat and protein-containing food. So you can find it similar to a low-carb or Atkins diet.

Protein and fats produce more ketones in blood cells. So your body burns it for energy in lacking’s of carbohydrate and increases stability in blood sugar level.

What is type 1 Diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes is the incapability of your pancreas to create insulin or make it such a lower amount. If your body can’t produce enough insulin hormone, your blood sugar as well can’t get into the cells. As a result, you may face serious health issues.

Nutritional ketosis vs. Diabetic Ketoacidosis

If you have type 1 diabetes, you must know the differences between ketosis and ketoacidosis.

In nutritional ketosis, your body burns fat and creates Ketones to use it as a fuel for producing energy. This metabolism system mainly uses ketones for energy instead of carbohydrates.

On the contrary,  Diabetic Ketoacidosis mostly occurs with type 1 diabetes people who don’t take insulin. Lack of insulin makes higher blood sugar as well as higher ketones. So your blood losses acid-base balance and create critical health problems.

Learn Benefits of Ketosis Diet in Diabetes Type 1

The Ketogenic Diet has proven its efficiency in the treatment of many diseases. Now it’s time to see what advantage it brings for the patient with Diabetes Type 1.

Helps in Reducing Blood Glucose Level

Carbohydrate is the most responsible for increasing sugar level in blood. But a Ketogenic diet doesn’t bear that problem.  Because it helps to lower or keep the glucose level stable, this is especially beneficial for Diabetes type 1 patients.

Controls the High Blood Pressure

In recent years, high blood pressure has become a common problem for people. But surprisingly, some research shows a ketogenic diet contributes to reducing High blood pressure levels.

Helps in Restoring Insulin Sensitivity 

The higher the carbohydrate belongs in the body, the greater insulin is required for diabetes type 1. But the Ketogenic diet helps in insulin resistance due to rich fat intake.

Increase in HDL Cholesterol Level

Raising HDL Cholesterol levels helps to keep your heart healthy. That can be the best benefit for diabetes type 1 patients. Because diabetes patients mostly face the risk of a heart attack.

Ketogenic diet diabetes type 1

Know about the Side Effects of the Ketogenic Diet in Diabetes Type 1

Despite many benefits, a Ketogenic diet may cause some side effects in diabetes type 1. So let’s have a look at what side effects you probably face in this diet. 

Risk of Hypoglycemia 

Hyperglycemia means high blood sugar or glucose level in your body. This problem arises when you continue diabetic medicines and the keto diet together.

Some long-term research shows ketogenic diet improved its control in A1C levels for a longer period controlled blood sugar level. But when your insulin does not adjust appropriately, you may face dizziness, out of consciousness, or some serious complications for type 1 diabetes.

So it’s better to discuss with your doctor before going on a diet.

Risk of Gallstones

We know, a ketogenic diet is superb for weight loss. But too much quick or unwanted weight loss is the symptom of having gallstones.

You’ll find many factors are responsible for this problem. These can be consuming high protein foods, reducing in high-carb meals. 

As rich protein meals give us a full feeling and give us less desire to eat. So quick weight loss happens. But for diabetes type 1, excessive weight loss can be very risky. 

Possibility of Suffering from Malnutrition 

Patients with type 1 diabetes require a proper balance of all food in their diet. But Ketogenic diets make limitations in taking some kinds of vegetables, fruits, or dairy foods. So you can’t get nutrition from them. It may put you into malnutrition.

In that case, make sure your health gets proper nutrition to keep you healthy. Appoint a nutritionist who has good knowledge of nutrition ketosis.

Arising kidney and Liver disease

Opinions about this side effect may vary among experts. But in general, we know these are the prime organs for the protein and fat processing system. A ketogenic diet makes overload on these organs for more processing pressure.

Type 1 diabetes may not be capable of taking this overload. But according to some experts, if your organs are strong, there is no need to worry.

Ensure Safety Before Taking Ketogenic Diet in Diabetes Type 1

Safety of your health comes first when you want to go on a diet. Especially if you have diabetes type 1, you should ensure your body can match a ketogenic diet.

Consult with Doctor & Dietitian

If you have type 1 diabetes, you should not adopt the keto diet without doctors and dietitians’ supervision. Doctors advise you about your insulin dose requirement as well as your health instruction. Besides, a dietitian can tell what diet your body requires.

Who is at Risk in the Keto Diet?

People suffering from eating disorders, breastfeeding mothers, pregnant women, critical health conditions, higher cholesterol, or longer low blood sugar patients should not take a ketogenic diet.


Diabetes is no longer a curse due to modern medical innovations. It’s become easy to keep your body healthy and strong with a proper diet. 

We discussed all the important information you should know for Ketogenic diet diabetes type 1. So considering these, take your time to acknowledge your health condition. Get Supervised by doctors and dietitians. In this way, ensure your safe heath with your desired diet.


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