Low Cholesterol Diabetic Diet: Get Rid Of Your High Cholesterol Problems

Low Cholesterol Diabetic Diet

Having diabetes already limits your diet. On top of that, if your cholesterol level is high, you need to be extra careful. But the good news is you can control both your cholesterol and diabetic with a standard diet. 

Following the low cholesterol diabetic diet will be a smart decision for you. This meal plan includes only those foods that are low in cholesterol and have a moderate impact on your blood sugar level. For example, consuming beans and vegetables can control both cholesterol and sugar level. 

In this article, I will discuss the effect of cholesterol when you have diabetes. Also, you will get diabetic low cholesterol recipes. So, do not forget to read to the end. 

Diabetic Effects on Cholesterol 

Diabetes and cholesterol have a deep relationship. Researchers claim that diabetes can often affect the cholesterol level. You may know that there are two types of cholesterol. Such as LDL and HDL. 

The LDL or Low density lipoprotein is considered as bad cholesterol. This can clog your blood vessel. On the other hand, the HDL or high density lipoprotein is considered good cholesterol. This clears out the LDL from the blood. 

If you are suffering from diabetes, there is a chance that your LDL level is higher than the HDL. Having a lower cholesterol level is more dangerous than having a higher one. So this is definitely a good side. And as far we are concerned about cholesterol and diabetes, this can be easily solved with a low cholesterol diabetic diet

In the upcoming sections, I will discuss how you can manage a low cholesterol diabetic meal, and some amazing recipes. 

Diabetes and cholesterol guidelines

Low Cholesterol Diabetic Diet

I have mentioned earlier that a good meal can be a great way to reduce blood sugar and control cholesterol level. But how can you do it? Here are some effective tips for you: 

1. Many people think eating fats can raise your cholesterol level. But cutting down fats from your meal is not good. So, what can you do? The answer is to eat healthy fats. The researchers claim that avocado, olive oil, nuts, seeds, and fatty fishes contain healthy fats. 

Eating healthy fats on a regular basis is good for you. These fats fulfill 3 main purposes. Such as: 

    • Lower the LDL or bad cholesterol level 
    • Raise the HLD or good cholesterol level
    • Control your blood sugar level 

2. Vegetables are always good. They are enriched with minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients. Adding more vegetables to your meal will help you control not only your blood sugar but also cholesterol. 

Here are some of the vegetables that you can eat if you have diabetes and cholesterol problems: 

    • Bell pepper 
    • Spinach 
    • Cauliflower 
    • Artichokes 
    • Broccoli 

You can add these vegetables as your main meal or side dish. Some people eat vegetables as a healthy snack. No matter how you eat these items, just make sure they are on your everyday meal. 

3. I guess I do not have to explain the harmful effects of sugar. No matter if you have diabetes or not, sugar is a curse to our health. 

Basically, sugar is all around us. Take a candy or piece of cake for example. Everything has sugar in it. When you are suffering from diabetes and low cholesterol, you must avoid sugar in all forms. You will find added sugar in ice cream, sweet beverages, candies, cookies, and other baked goods. 

If you cut sugar from your daily meals, it will not only control your blood sugar and cholesterol level but also improve your overall health. If you want to lose your body weight, there is no better way than avoiding sugar. 

4. Do you know junk foods can raise your cholesterol levels? Packaged or processed foods have harmful elements in them that will raise both your sugar and cholesterol levels. That is why you have to avoid any type of fast foods or junk foods. 

Instead of eating takeaways, prepare your own meals. Go for vegetables and lean meats. To fulfill the fat needs, eat healthy fats. 

5. Add more fruits to your meals. Eating fruits will lower your blood sugar and cholesterol level. You will also feel refreshed by eating fruits every day. However, there are some other benefits to eating fruits too. For example, it reduces the chance of cancer. 

Low cholesterol diabetic recipes

People with diabetes are most likely to have a heart attack or stroke. When it comes to high cholesterol, the chance increases. With a low cholesterol diabetic diet, you can bring balance to your life and reduce the chance of having heart disease. 

Maintaining a particular diet is obviously tough, especially when you have to cut off sugar and some other delicious items from your meal. But what if you can make varieties of dishes with the existing healthy items? Won’t it be exciting? 

Low Cholesterol Diabetic Diet

Here are some low cholesterol diabetic recipes for you: 

1. Breakfast microwave poached eggs 

This is a popular dish in Costa Rica and known as Gallo Pinto. This dish is specially served with mixed beans. You can use leftovers from the previous night to make the dish useful. 

The basic ingredients of this dish are eggs, mixed beans, avocado, and cheese. It will take 15 minutes max to prepare this dish. As we avoid any types of oil to prepare this dish, it is really healthy. 

2. Stuffed eggplants with almonds and couscous 

This dish is not for you if you are allergic to eggplants. Otherwise, feel free to try this amazing recipe. The meaty eggplant goes just perfect with the couscous. You can give the stuffings using almonds and other herbs. To make the meal more delicious prepare a side creamy paste with it. 

3. Chickpeas with eggs and peppers 

No matter if you are vegetarian or not, I am sure you will love this dish. You can prepare this recipe with the simplest ingredients from your kitchen. The secret of this dish is to add a lot of herbs and spices. 

Low cholesterol diabetic diet is really helpful for those who are struggling with their sugar and cholesterol level. If you see no progress even after maintaining a healthy diet, consult with your doctor immediately.


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